Internal Marketing
Campaign to make workers aware of the internal management of incidents and the agility with which it needs to be treated, before it becomes larger or irreversible. They took advantage of the contingency of the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" that was generating a stir and controversy at the beginning of 2017 due to the crude content on suicide. The 13 reasons explain the situations experienced that led the protagonist to commit said act. The campaign draws a parallel with the internal attitudes, actions and reactions of a company. Campaña para concientizar a los trabajadores sobre la gestión interna de incidentes y la agilidad con la que requiere ser tratada, antes de que sea mas grande o irreversible. Se aprovechó la contingencia de la serie de Netflix "13 Reasons Why" que estaba generando revuelo y polémica a principios del 2017 por el crudo contenido sobre suicidio. Las 13 razones explican las situaciones vividas que llevaron a la protagonista a cometer dicho acto. La campaña hace un paralelo con las actitudes, acciones y reacciones internas de una empresa.